Taiwan Model" to awaken the world Wake up from the "short-term thinking" of globalization in the past, and see clearly the alluring means by which the totalitarian government uses the "illusion of time" to sacrifice "long-term benefits" for "short-term benefits". RTS5IAJ Photo Credit: Reuters / Dazhi Image The point of opposing Huawei is not to fear that democracy is threatened, but to not want to pour money into the opaque CCP regime Let us recall that at the annual security conference held in Munich on February 14 this year, Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the US
House of Representatives, had whatsapp database a tit-for-tat Q&A with Fu Ying, a foreign affairs official of the National People's Congress, which only further exposed the totalitarian government. How tempting but deadly the publicity of "confused purpose perception" is. Three months ago, the epidemic in Europe and the United States had not really broken out, so at the time point, we can understand the mentality of "America is sour grapes" behind the applause and applause of
Ms. Fu Ying's constructive questions. "Do you really think that the democratic system is so fragile that a mere Huawei high-tech company can threaten it?" - This answer of "yes" and "no" falls into a sophistry and contradiction of binary opposition. Down with Speaker Pelosi. On the contrary, the disagreement with President Trump can only give a glimpse of her fleeting helplessness, but she is still a firm expression of "unequivocally without any hesitations". "American bipartisan, even national consensus", "We don't want to copy China's (national) system... Going down this road, be very careful". Perhaps the global community is more familiar than fearful of the totalitarian government's ability to manipulate and shift its focus.